Medical Malpractice Insights From Menzer Law

Our highly qualified attorneys provide timely information about issues and news related to medical malpractice, personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits in Washington and Hawaii.

Washington’s Updated Vaccine Law

March 6, 2019, Washington state saw the passage of a new vaccine bill, after months of measles spreading in certain counties. Under this vaccine bill, won 57-40, parents may no longer use their philosophical or personal objections to exempt their child from required...

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Hospital Errors and Malpractice

Modern medicine has come quite a long way, but human errors in hospital settings are ever present. Despite the many years of combined training, expertise and experience, there are still many opportunities for individual health care providers and care teams to make...

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Dog Bites: A Guide to Staying Safe

The friendliest person you know can still snap when pushed beyond levels of stress that they are used to – the same idea applies to dogs. Even the nicest dog you know could still one day be put into an unfamiliar, stressful, anxiety producing situation, and bite or...

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The Washington Hawaii Connection

Trade and cultural relationships have existed between the West Coast of the United States and the Hawaiian Island for hundreds of years. This includes a number of native Hawaiians who migrated to the Pacific Northwest in the early 1800’s to participate in the fur...

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