Seattle’s Top Sports Injury Lawyers

Before your child reaches middle school, they have probably played on some type of sports team, such as the local youth baseball or soccer programs. By high school and college, students often have favorite sports they want to not only play but compete in as well.

Some students push themselves hard on the field, on the court or in the pool to impress coaches, win championships, beat state records or win scholarships. In some cases, coaches push the players even harder. Coaches have been known to ignore a player’s complaints and injuries despite the higher risk of worsening an injury or suffering a second injury.

During all types of competitive sports, adult and student athletes can also be injured by other athletes. If you, your child or a loved one has sustained a serious sports-related injury and you believe it could have been prevented or was due to another person’s careless, reckless or intentional misconduct, then we recommend calling us at Menzer Law to speak with a Seattle sports injury attorney.

U.S. Sports Injury Statistics

Every year, millions of children and adults are treated in emergency rooms for sports-related injuries.

In 2017, The National Safety Council reported sports-related injury numbers for athletes of all ages, including the following:

  • Basketball: 500,085 injuries
  • Bicycles: 457,266 injuries
  • Football: 341,150 injuries
  • Playgrounds: 242,359 injuries
  • Soccer: 218,926 injuries
  • Swimming: 199,246 injuries
  • Baseball/softball: 187,447 injuries
  • Trampolines: 145,207 injuries
  • Lacrosse/rugby: 73,829 injuries
  • Volleyball: 51,653 injuries
  • Hockey: 44,353 injuries
  • Track and field: 35,938 injuries

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are of particular concern for sports injuries, especially for children. Approximately 283,000 children seek care in emergency departments every year for sport- or recreation-related TBIs, according to a U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study. About 45% of these visits are for TBIs sustained during contact sports.

When A Sports Injury Leads To A Personal Injury Claim

Not all sports injuries result in a valid personal injury claim, which is why it is important to consult with a Seattle sports injury lawyer about your options.

Accidents happen during competitive games. Two aggressive players may collide while headed toward the same ball, and a resulting broken ankle may not be anyone’s fault. But there are times when injuries should have been prevented by the players, coaches, other participants and authorities behaving reasonably and carefully.

Your sports injury or that of your child may give rise to a personal injury claim if it is the direct and proximate result of another person’s careless, reckless or intentional misconduct.

You must be able to prove direct and proximate cause. Direct cause, also known as “cause in fact,” means that the other person’s behavior was the actual cause of the injury. If not for the other person’s poor behavior, the injury could not have happened.

Proximate cause is more complicated and is known as “legal cause.” For the other party’s conduct to be the proximate cause of your or your child’s sports injury, the injury must be within the foreseeable consequences of the other party’s behavior.

Who May Be Liable For A Sports Injury?

Various individuals and organizations can be liable for a sports injury, depending on the type of negligent or intentional conduct involved. These individuals and organizations include the following:

  • Athletes: Another player may be liable for another athlete’s injury. Sports typically require some physical contact and risk. However, players can behave recklessly or maliciously toward one another. When one player goes too far and their careless, reckless or intentional misconduct causes another person harm, they can be liable for the injuries and must compensate the injury victim for their damages.
  • Coaches: Coaches, assistants and trainers who have supervisory roles over the players can make wrong calls. They can send players who are injured back into a practice or game knowing that doing so will put that player in danger of getting hurt or suffering a more debilitating injury.
  • Schools and sports organizations: Administrators and the decision-makers at schools and other organizations can push inappropriate and dangerous policies or fail to put the proper policies in place. When an administrator encourages or allows coaches and trainers to put players in danger, the school district or organization may be liable.
  • Sports facilities: A sports injury could be a result of a hidden defect or hazard at a sports facility, such as a private pool, skate park, bike trail, ski resort, trampoline park, gymnasium, court or rink. When your or your child’s injury is the result of an improperly designed or maintained property, you should speak with a Seattle sports injury lawyer right away.

Our sports injury lawyers at Menzer Law, are well-versed in the laws relevant to various sports injuries and facilities. We will thoroughly investigate a matter to determine whether any laws or regulations were violated at the time of the injury and whether any dangers or hazards existed on the property.

Sports facilities may require participants to sign waivers purporting to release the facility from liability for any injuries. However, you should consult with an experienced personal injury lawyer because such waivers may not be legally binding in Washington.

Let Us Help You Pursue Compensation For Your Sports Injury

When another party is liable for a sports injury, we at Menzer Law can represent you or your child to pursue compensation for past and future damages, including:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Disfigurement
  • Disability
  • Reduced earning capacity

To talk with an experienced sports injury lawyer in King County about your situation and legal options, contact Menzer Law, by filling out our online form or calling 206.903.1818 to schedule a free case evaluation.